
L’aereo l’ha abbattuto Kiev. Fino a prova contraria, Obama

Mi pare che la grande e dovuta atten­zione dei mass media ita­liani alla tra­ge­dia dell’abbattimento dell’aereo civile Malay­sia Air­li­nes Boeing-777 dello scorso 17 luglio, con quasi 300 morti civili inno­centi, abbia seguito la con­sueta “costante di deca­di­mento” tipica della nostra infor­ma­zione mainstream.

Cosa intendo? Facile. Se fac­ciamo, per como­dità, 100 la quan­tità di noti­zie il giorno dopo un evento inter­na­zio­nale anche cla­mo­roso, essa diventa 10 il giorno suc­ces­sivo, 1 il giorno dopo ancora, e poi si avvi­cina allo zero: que­sto, indi­pen­den­te­mente dal fatto che su quell’evento ci siano nuovi cla­mo­rosi svi­luppi. E allora, o sai l’inglese, il fran­cese, lo spa­gnolo, e cer­chi di seguire sulla stampa inter­na­zio­nale, oppure vai sui blog.

Ovvia­mente, la regola non si applica se l’evento diventa oggetto di una tra­smis­sione con pla­stico di Bruno Vespa od assi­mi­lati. In que­sto caso, l’attenzione resta bat­tente anche a babbo morto.

Bene. Due giorni fa la Rus­sia ha pre­sen­tato uffi­cial­mente — in una pub­blica e, come si dice, “par­te­ci­pa­tis­sima”, con­fe­renza stampa una sfilza di risul­tati di osser­va­zioni radar e imma­gini satel­li­tari che mi hanno let­te­ral­mente fatto sal­tare sulla sedia.

Il testo inglese è ripor­tato in fondo a que­sto arti­colo. Ma vedia­mone la sostanza nella nostra amata lin­gua madre.

In sostanza, ci sono due fatti nuovi:

1) L’esercito ucraino aveva tre o quat­tro bat­ta­glioni di difesa aerea dotati di sistemi di Buk-M1 SAM schie­rati in pros­si­mità di Done­tsk il giorno dell’incidente. Que­sti mis­sili erano in grado di col­pire l’aereo civile. Altri mis­sili terra-aria non ne ave­vano la pos­si­bi­lità, data l’altezza e la posi­zione dell’aereo. Le rico­stru­zioni ame­ri­cane basate sul tra­sfe­ri­mento di mis­sili terra-aria russi in ter­ri­to­rio ucraino sono frutto di un video-bufala.

2) C’era un cac­cia dell’esercito ucraino a 3 km dal Boeing nel momento dell’abbattimento nel video della torre di con­trollo. Que­sto cac­cia — modello Su–25 — lo si vede muo­versi verso l’alto verso il Boeing777. La distanza tra i veli­voli era di 3–5 km. Il Su–25 è armato con mis­sili aria–aria R–60, in grado di aggan­ciare un ber­sa­glio a una distanza di 12 km, e distrug­gerlo defi­ni­ti­va­mente ad una distanza di 5 km. I russi chie­dono: qual era la mis­sione del veli­volo da com­bat­ti­mento, che si tro­vava su rotte civili?


La con­fe­renza stampa è stata tenuta da due fun­zio­nari di alto livello dell’esercito russo, il Capo di Stato Mag­giore Andrey Kar­to­po­lov e il Coman­dante dell’aeronautica Igor Maku­shev. Hanno di fatto smon­tato le affer­ma­zioni di Kiev dimo­strando che la respon­sa­bi­lità di quanto acca­duto non sarebbe da attri­buire alle mili­zie filo­russe dell’Ucraina orien­tale bensì a una pre­cisa azione mili­tare dell’esercito ucraino.

Acci­denti. Occorre veri­fi­care, che dite?


Andando più nel det­ta­glio, i russi hanno posto dieci domande agli ucraini ed ai loro alleati occi­den­tali e sta­tu­ni­tensi. Domande che atten­dono rispo­sta, pub­bli­cate da Rus­sia Today:

1. Per­ché il volo MH17 ha lasciato il cor­ri­doio inter­na­zio­nale nel momento in cui sor­vo­lava la città di Done­tsk virando verso nord?

2. Que­sto cam­bio di per­corso è stato dovuto a un errore della cabina di comando dell’aereo, oppure il pilota è stato tratto in errore per­ché ha seguito le indi­ca­zioni del con­trol­lori del traf­fico aereo di Dnepropetrovsk?

3. Per­ché l’esercito ucraino ha schie­rato un impo­nente sistema di difesa anti-aerea in quest’area dell’Ucraina dell’est se le mili­zie sepa­ra­ti­ste non hanno veli­voli a loro disposizione?

4. Per­ché Kiev ha imple­men­tato il sistema mis­si­li­stico Buk pro­prio nella zona con­trol­lata dalle mili­zie sepa­ra­ti­ste in cui è avve­nuta la tragedia?

Ci sono foto satel­li­tari delle unità di difesa aerea dell’Ucraina nella parte sud orien­tale del Paese. Le prime tre foto sono state scat­tate il 14 luglio. La prima mostra sistemi di lan­cio Buk situ­tati 8 km a nord ovest di Lugansk (un TELAR e due Tels). La seconda foto mostra radar situati 5 km a nord di Done­tsk. Si pos­sono vedere due TARs insieme ad altre attrez­za­ture mili­tari. La terza foto mostra sistemi di difesa aerea a nord di Done­tsk (un sistema di lan­cio TELAR e circa 60 mili­tari oltre a vei­coli, ten­doni e altre appa­rec­chia­ture). Una foto della stessa area scat­tata il 17 luglio (il giorno dell’abbattimento dell’aereo), mostra che i sistemi di lan­cio non ci sono più.

5. Per­ché il giorno dello schianto dell’aereo è stato regi­strato un aumento delle atti­vità dei radar dell’esercito ucraino 9S18 Kupol-M1, com­po­nenti del sistema Buk, instal­lati nell’area dell’abbattimento?

 6. Per­ché quel giorno un aereo mili­tare ucraino per­cor­reva il cor­ri­doio inter­na­zio­nale riser­vato agli aerei civili?

C’erano tre aerei civili in quell’area in quel lasso di tempo: un volo Copenaghen-Singapore (17:17), un volo Parigi-Taipei (17:24) e il volo Amsterdam-Kuala Lum­pur abbat­tuto. Ma appunto i sistemi di moni­to­rag­gio russi hanno regi­strato anche la pre­senza di un cac­cia dell’aeronautica ucraina, come detto sopra.

7. Per­ché un cac­cia mili­tare ucraino volava nello stesso momento e nella stessa area attra­ver­sata da un aereo passeggeri?

8. Da dove pro­viene il lan­cio del mis­sile? Da dove pro­viene il video dif­fuso dai media occi­den­tali secondo cui il sistema Buk uti­liz­zato sarebbe stato tra­sfe­rito dal ter­ri­to­rio russo in ter­ri­to­rio ucraino?

Il video in que­stione è frutto di una mon­ta­tura: è stato rea­liz­zato nella città di Kra­snoar­meisk, come dimo­stra il car­tel­lone che si vede sullo sfondo dove com­pare la pub­bli­cità di una con­ces­sio­na­ria di auto al civico 34 di Dne­pro­pe­tro­vsk Street. Kra­snoar­meysk, come noto, è sotto il con­trollo dei mili­tari ucraini dal 11 mag­gio. Non quindi dei separatisti.

9. Dimo­strato che il video è stato rea­liz­zato in una parte di ter­ri­to­rio ucraino con­trol­lato da Kiev, dove si tro­ve­rebbe adesso il sistema Buk che ha lan­ciato il mis­sile? Quando è stata l’ultima volta che un mis­sile è stato lan­ciato da que­sto sistema?

10. Per­ché i fun­zio­nari del governo ame­ri­cano non hanno ancora for­nito le prove che dimo­stre­reb­bero che l’aereo è stato abbat­tuto da un mis­sile lan­ciato dalle mili­zie sepa­ra­ti­ste filo­russe?

I fun­zio­nari ame­ri­cani affer­mano di avere foto satel­li­tari che pro­vano che l’aereo di linea della Male­sia è stato abbat­tuto da un mis­sile lan­ciato dalle mili­zie filo­russe. Ma nes­suno ha visto finora que­ste fotografie.


Mi sa che a que­ste domande occor­re­rebbe dare:

  1. Visi­bi­lità sui media occi­den­tali (spe­ranze scarse)
  2. Rispo­ste (spe­ranze altret­tanto scarse).


Ecco il testo com­pleto in inglese della Con­fe­renza Stampa, con le imma­gini satel­li­tari. Poi, sotto, il video della con­fe­renza, che è in russo, ma con tra­du­zione sequen­ziale e sot­to­ti­toli in inglese.

The Main Ope­ra­tions Direc­to­rate – the Deputy Chief of the Gene­ral Staff of the Armed For­ces of the Rus­sian Fede­ra­tion Lieutenant-General A.V.Kartapolov

Dear repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of mass media!

Ladies and gentlemen!

After the Malay­sia Air­li­nes Boeing-777 acci­dent on July 17, fol­lo­wing the inter­na­tio­nal air­way Amster­dam — Kuala Lum­pur, we can find quan­tity of con­flic­ted infor­ma­tion. In this case the Rus­sian Fede­ra­tion Mini­stry of Defense con­si­ders neces­sary to sub­mit infor­ma­tion having at the Gene­ral Staff dispo­sal. On the scheme you can see the inter­na­tio­nal air­way. The Boeing-777 was sup­po­sed to fly on this air­way. Draw your atten­tion to the fact that the air­craft fol­lo­wed inside the spe­ci­fied air-corridor to Done­tsk, then it devia­ted from the route to north. Mea­n­while the maxi­mum distance from the left bor­der of the air-corridor was 14 kilometers.

Then we can see that the Boeing-777 tur­ned back to the bor­ders of the spe­ci­fied air-corridor. Never­the­less Malay­sian air­crew didn’t suc­ceed the maneu­ver. At 17.20 we ente­red the event of the air­craft rate reduc­tion, at 17.23 the aircraft’s point blin­ked off on the radar. Why did the air­craft cross the bor­der of the air-corridor? Was it the navi­ga­tion mistake, or the air­crew fol­lo­wed the Dne­pro­pe­tro­vsk ground con­trol orders? We will find the answers after “black boxes” and com­mu­ni­ca­tion deco­ding. Accor­ding to our infor­ma­tion on the day of the acci­dent the Ukrai­nian Armed For­ces deployed 3 to 4 artil­lery bat­ta­lions of Buk-M1 mis­sile system not far from Done­tsk. The system allows hit­ting the tar­gets on the distance up to 35 kilo­me­ters and on the alti­tude to 22 kilo­me­ters. Why did the Ukrai­nian Armed For­ces deploy these air defense units in the Done­tsk region?As we know mili­tants don’t have air­crafts. On the scheme we can see that both pro­jec­ted impact point and the air­way are inside the air defense bat­tle zone of the Ukrai­nian Armed For­ces’ Buk-M1 mis­sile system. We have satel­lite pho­tos of the Ukrai­nian Air Defense systems deployed in the South-East of the country.

The first 3 pho­tos are dated July 14, 2014:

On the first photo you can see the Buk mis­sile systems deployed 8 kilo­me­ters north-west to Luhansk. On the photo you can see clearly a self-propelled launch system and 2 loa­ding vehicles.


On the second photo you can see radars deployed 5 kilo­me­ters north to Done­tsk. We can see 2 radars, dif­fe­rent equi­p­ment and facilities.


On the third photo we can see air defense equi­p­ment deployed north to Done­tsk. You can see clearly self-propelled launch system with tur­ned launch shoe and near 60 units of mili­tary and special-proposed equi­p­ment, moun­ted defi­la­des and facilities.


Here you can see a photo of the same area on July 17. Draw your atten­tion that the anti­air­craft system is absent on this photo.


On the fifth photo we can see Buk-M1 artil­lery bat­ta­lion deployed 50 kilo­me­ters east to Done­tsk and 8 kilo­me­ters south to Sha­kh­tarsk. We can answer: why the bat­ta­lion was deployed near to the ter­ri­tory con­trol­led by mili­tants just before the accident?


On the photo of same area dated July 18 we can see that the bat­tery left the occu­pied posi­tion. Besi­des it, on July 17 we detec­ted increa­sed acti­vity of Ukrai­nian radars 9S18 Kupol-M1 of the Buk mis­sile system.


On the photo you can see that 7 radars wor­ked on July 15, 8 radars on July 16, and 9 radars on July 17. Since July 18 there are only 2–3 radars per twenty-four hours. We shall find out the rea­sons for the events.


I want to expose air situa­tion in Done­tsk area that day. On the pic­ture you can see infor­ma­tion of objec­tive con­trol since 17.10 to 17.30 Moscow time.


At that time there were 3 civi­lian aircrafts:

  • Flight from Cope­n­ha­gen to Sin­ga­pore at 17.17;
  • Flight from Paris to Tai­pei at 17.24
  • Flight from Amster­dam to Kuala Lumpur.

Besi­des it, Rus­sian system of air con­trol detec­ted the Ukrai­nian Air Force air­craft, pur­po­sed Su-25, moving upwards toward to the Malay­sian Boeing-777. The distance bet­ween air­crafts was 3–5 kilometers.

Su-25 can gain an alti­tude of 10000 meters for a short time. It is armed with air-to-air mis­sile R-60 able to lock-on and destroy tar­get at a distance of 12 kilo­me­ters, and destroy it defi­ni­tely at a distance of 5 kilo­me­ters. What was the mis­sion of the com­bat air­craft on the air­way of civi­lian air­crafts almost at the same time and same alti­tude with the civi­lian craft? We want to have this que­stion answered.

The video of the Rostov Aerial Cen­ter of the Joint Air Traf­fic Mana­ge­ment System can cor­ro­bo­rate the infor­ma­tion. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force Lieutenant-General Igor Maku­shev will com­ment the video.
Com­men­tary of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force of the Rus­sian Fede­ra­tion Lieutenant-General I.Y.Makushev

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today the Air­craft Air Traf­fic con­trol has acqui­red some objec­tive con­trol mate­rials from the Rostov Aerial Cen­ter of the Joint Air Traf­fic Mana­ge­ment System. The video pre­sents the air con­trol infor­ma­tion on air situa­tion in the region of Done­tsk in the period from 17.19 P.M. to 17.25 P.M. Moscow time on July 17, 2014. In the upper left cor­ner there is a Boeing-772 mark, fol­lo­wing the route from Cope­n­ha­gen to Sin­ga­pore. Under this point there is ano­ther air­craft, it is Boeing-777 mark, which is on his way from Amster­dam to Kuala Lum­pur. And on its right there is a Boeing-778 mark making its way from Delhi to Bir­min­gham. All the three air­craft have been stea­dily moni­to­red by the three radar sta­tions of the air traf­fic con­trol of the Mini­stry of Defense of the Rus­sian Fede­ra­tion. Boeing-777 is moving towards the Rus­sian Fede­ra­tion state boun­dary and is to cross it in the point of «TONAK». An air traf­fic con­trol offi­cer has been con­trol­ling the air­craft flight and keeps on enqui­ring its flight varia­bles to com­pare them with the given ones. At 17.20 P.M. at the distance of 51 kilo­me­ters from the Rus­sian Fede­ra­tion state boun­dary and the azi­muth of 300 degrees the air­craft star­ted to lose its speed obstruc­ti­vely which is quite distinc­ti­vely to be seen on the table of the air­craft cha­rac­te­ri­stics. At 17.21 35 seconds P.M. with the air­craft speed of 200 km/h at the point of the Boeing crash there is a new mark of the air­craft to be seen. The air­craft was stea­dily moni­to­red by radar sta­tions of Ust-Donetsk and Buti­rin­skoe during 4 minu­tes period. Air con­trol offi­cer having enqui­red the cha­rac­te­ri­stics of newly appea­red air­craft couldn’t pos­si­bly get them because it is in all like­li­hood that the air­craft had no secon­dary deduc­tion system amoun­ted on it, which is put typi­cally for mili­tary air­craft. The early detec­tion of this air­craft appea­red to be quite impos­si­ble because the air situa­tion con­trol is usually per­for­med by radars wor­king in a standby mode which detec­tion pos­si­bi­li­ties at the given distance are over 5000 m altitude.

The detec­tion of the air­craft tur­ned out to be pos­si­ble as the air­craft ascend it.

The fur­ther air­craft flight varia­bles chan­ges on its route testi­fied the fact that it is now fly­ing in the area of Boeing crash and is moni­to­ring the situa­tion. Ear­lier the Ukrai­nian offi­cials repor­ted that on the day of the Boeing-777 acci­dent there were no mili­tary air­craft avai­la­ble in the region. So, as you can see, it is not appea­red to be true. Thank you for your attention.

Ladies and Gen­tle­men, we also have some que­stions to our US partners.According to the sta­te­ment of the US repre­sen­ta­ti­ves they have some pic­tu­res from the space sup­por­ting that mis­sile laun­ching was made by the militants.But nobody has seen these pictures.

Accor­ding to our dates from 17:06 till 17:21 Moscow time on the July 17 over the South-Eastern ter­ri­tory of Ukraine flew US space satel­lite. This is a spe­cial device of the expe­ri­men­tal space system desi­gned to detect and track various mis­si­les laun­ches. If the US party has pho­tos made by the satel­lite, please let us ask them to show the world’s com­mu­nity for fur­ther investigation.

Is it coin­ci­dence or not? Howe­ver the time of the Malay­sian Boeing-777 acci­dent and the time of the obser­va­tion done by the satel­lite over the Ukrai­nian ter­ri­tory are the same. To con­clude it I would like to men­tion that all the con­crete infor­ma­tion is based on the objec­tive and relia­ble dates of the dif­fe­rent Rus­sian equi­p­ment in con­trast to the accu­sa­tions of the US against us made without any evidence.The good exam­ple of such fact is that some mass media sho­wed trans­por­ta­tion of the Buk-M1 mis­sile system from Ukrai­nian to Rus­sian territory.We can clearly see that its frame-up. These pic­tu­res were made in the city of Kra­snoar­meisk that is con­fir­med by a ban­ner situa­ted close to the road. This ban­ner has an address of the car shop situa­ted at the Dne­pro­pe­tro­v­skaya, 34. Since May 11 the Kra­snoar­meysk city is under con­trol of the Ukrai­nian Armed For­ces. That is why we have some que­stions. What kind of laun­ching system is it? Where is it trans­por­ted? Where is it now? Why is it unloa­ded com­ple­tely? What was the last time it laun­ched mis­si­les? To end my speech I would like to empha­size that the Rus­sian Fede­ra­tion did not deli­ver to the mili­tants any Buk-M1 mis­si­les systems and other equi­p­ment. All the dates pre­pa­red by the Mini­stry of Defense of the Rus­sian Fede­ra­tion will be tran­smit­ted today to the experts of the Euro­pean coun­tries and Malay­sia. I hope these dates will help to make the relia­ble inve­sti­ga­tion of the tra­gedy that hap­pe­ned on the July 17 over Done­tsk. The Mini­stry of Defense will con­ti­nue to inform you about the newly revea­led facts con­nec­ted with the air disa­ster of Malay­sian Boeing-777.

Thank you for your attention.

Refe­rence: offi­cial web-site of the Mini­stry of Defence of the Rus­sian Federation


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